
Key Takeaways From BCVS-I

BCVS-I Business Communication and Value Science - I (BCVS-I) was one of the courses I took in my first semester studying Computer Science and Business Systems (CSBS). This Course aimed to make us understand the importance of life skills and helped me develop various communication skills required in day to day life as well as in professional context  This course had theory as well as practical or lab sessions. While the theory sessions were "fine", the practicals is where this course peaked. The lab sessions helped me brush up my knowledge when it came to communicating in English and delivering speeches, etc. Experience I still remember my first practical session where we were asked to introduce self, and one of our batch mates to the rest of the batch, i had a few difficulties opening up and introducing myself, but as the course progressed I learnt a lot when it came to communicating, and it helped me gain some confidence in myself. We also had to make a small poster as a pr
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